Corporate Training
Bespoke Training Courses
Bespoke Training - Training that is designed for an individual and/or group that draws from existing training resources but is designed specifically for the target audience.
Practical Training
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Watcher
Confined Space Attendant
Fire Fighting
Mock Drill
Emergency Response Team
Hazardous Spill Response
Lifting & Rigging
Crane Operator
Lifting & Rigging
Confined Space Rescue
Working at Height Rescue Training
Health and Safety Management Systems (HSMS)
Health and Safety Leadership
General Induction
Risk Assessment HIRA
Permit to Work
Behaviour based Safety
Energy Isolation (LOTO)
Incident Investigation
Life Saving
First Aid
Defensive Driving
Workplace Safety
Construction Safety
Electrical High Voltage Safety
Fire Safety
Chemical Safety
Hand Tool Safety
Working at Height
Confined Space Entry
Infection Prevention Control Training
Scaffolding Safety
Basic Scaffolding Inspection
Basic Scaffolding